�Fallout v5.0

"These pages I am writing should also transmit a cold luminosity, as in a mirrored tube, where a finite number of figures are broken up and turned upside down and multiplied."

-Italo Calvino


So. Another day. The cat still sounds phlegmmy and snotty, and coughs occasionaly, but he's much more active than he was a few days ago. Mother just reported that his appetite has increased markedly.

After writing yesterday's journal I had a long therapeutic talk with Marble on AIM. Tried to get honest with myself and dissect my personality, and she provided commentary and support.

I really need to get my Oasis column for September off the ground. In some ways, the Oasis column has been my little community service effort. I started writing for Oasis partly to meet people, partly to air my opinions, but partly to balance the coverage a bit. It seemed like so many of the columns were being written by totally out people living in urban centers having the time of their lives... and so many of them were tremendous theatre queens, generally a very very Absolutely Fabulous/Rent/Cher type of crowd. Granted, I'm not exactly the captain of the football team, and I quote Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? too much for my own good, but no one could accuse me of being a Christopher Lowell impersonator either*. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I wouldn't want to keep anyone from pursuing their interests and being who they feel they are, but they are a tad over-represented on Oasis as of late. There are a lot of people who aren't out, and who struggle with the spectre of rejection from their families or their friends or their community. And while it would be dishonest to say that I deal with all of these, I have dealt with some, (though nothing disastrous has occurred yet) and I'd like to try to address those things I've gone through and those that I may go through. Not everyone has the luxury of living in a major gay-mecca type of city (But hopefully I will, come Fall 2001) and I'd like to do what I can to help those who don't, even if it comes down to nothing more than letting them know they're not alone.

* Though it could be said that I'm getting there rapidly, thanks in part to Marble. She's introduced me to both the Golden Girls and Designing Women. They are good shows, but watching an hour a day of the Lifetime network kinda obliterates any "straight-acting" cred I had previously. (As if appearing at the local mall in a polka-dot dress hadn't previously)

< Before * Beyond >

Swank New Guestbook
Retired Guestbook



Even More



Boy Ashamed
Deuterium D3
Mundane Mania
Not A Hillbilly
Oh Captain


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